Monday, 7 November 2011

All by myself

To begin with my own independent studies, I am researching into various photographers and artists of which show work and ideas into dance and portraiture. I will begin with looking into dance images and photographers which show their interpretation for it.
I look forward to seeing different styles and aspects of this theme and topic.

From searching on the internet, I have found a range of images from different dance and portraiture photographers. First of all, these following pictures and images are from portrait photographers, each have a different style and creativity.

Chris Gloag is a professional portrait photographer providing images for the advertising and editorial market. He has experienced working in many different types of environment and has a relaxed yet focused shooting style which helps in producing the right look and tone for different campaigns.

These images are very stylised and especially Gok's photo links closely to fashion style photography. And considering Gok works in fashion Chris has a way of working with the model closely to create their look and style personally.

Michael Robert Williams based in London, is well known for his portraits of musicians, including The Killers, La Roux, Ian Brown and more as well as other celebrities from the world of sport, film and music. His portraits have been very popular and featured around the world. In addition to portraits for some magazines he has also produced artwork and promotional images for record labels and artist management including Adidas.
When Michael is not on an assignment, he enjoys travelling, music and films, so on top of all his numerous portraits Michael has a selection of his own personal images.

These images are from the photographer Michael Robert Williams, all the images are completely different, but each one are unique. I love how each one represents the celebrities character and personality.

The closeness of the Dev's face adds intimidation to the image, and with the effect of the light shining from behind his hat and being located on the street completes the image. This image is very similar to the works of BRUCE GILDEN with his portraits being taken on the street very close up unexpectedly. Although his eye contact shows his awareness and reaction to the camera.
In this image, I like the contrast between the black and white colours, it creates sharpness and tone. The monotone adjustment is used especially on images like these as the 'classic' affect is used to make the celebrity have a more tonal range creating a better appearance for them.

The black and white effect in this image sets an era which suits Bernado especially. The fact that his eyes are shut adds a sense of calm and tranquillity to the image.

The background pattern highlights the bold colours in Eliza's dress, this makes her stand out against the black and white.

Williams portrait is very formal compared to the other images, the black and white effect highlights the paleness of his skin and the colours in his hair. I like this image as its very simplistic and original.

Robert Frank was an influential photographer for film in the Forward Motion films at Pavilion Dance. This image above is My Father’s Coat (2000):

"After my father was buried in 1976 in Zurich, my mother gave me the coat: “This is your father’s coat. It is very good, warm and not worn at all. Please take it with you to New York and wear it.” I hung up the coat in a small room in our house – with all my film cans on the window sill and an Aloe plant (needs a little water). The door is closed. I did not wear the coat for many years. As time goes by I am thinking more of my father and how I might become more like him."
"Robert Frank is one of the world’s most influential photographers. For more than fifty years, he has broken the rules of photography and film making, challenging the boundaries between the still and the moving image."

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